
UK, USA | 1979 | 117 minutes | Director: Ridley Scott

Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Alien, the original sci-fi classic directed by Ridley Scott!

When commercial towing vehicle Nostromo, heading back to Earth, intercepts an SoS signal from a nearby unexplored planet, the crew are under obligation to investigate. After a bad landing on the planet, some crew members leave the ship to explore the area. At the same time as they discover a hive colony of some unknown creature and one of the crew is attacked by the mysterious lifeform, the ship’s computer deciphers the message to be a warning, not a call for help.

The crew do not know the danger they are in until it is too late and they soon will find out that the life cycle of the creature has merely begun.

Ridley Scott is an English filmmaker. Scott's work is known for its atmospheric, highly concentrated visual style. Though his films range widely in setting and period, they frequently showcase memorable imagery of urban environments, whether 2nd-century Rome (Gladiator), 12th-century Jerusalem (Kingdom of Heaven), Medieval England (Robin Hood), contemporary Mogadishu (Black Hawk Down), the future cityscapes of Blade Runner, or the distant planets in Alien, Prometheus, The Martian and Alien: Covenant. Several of his films are also known for their strong female characters.