

Switzerland | 2018 | 9 Minutes | Director: Lorenz Wunderle

A coyote loses his wife and children from an attack of wolfs. Anguished from human emotions he‘s trying to process the experience. Besides grief and delusion, evil takes up more
and more space.

Lorenz Wunderle was born 1983 in Lucerne, he then learned architectual draftsman. In 2013 got a Bachelor in Animation 2D and 2015 a Master in Animation at the HSLU Lucerne - Design & Kunst. He is since 2015 working as an 2D animator and filmmaker.

Director Statement - The film explores the turmoil of human emotions that arise after a tragic loss, and deals with their processing. Topics such as feelings of guilt, delusions, repression, fear, but also the confrontation, the letting go and the processing of the experience play a central role. When I see what the coyote has to go through, I'm not surprised that he's going crazy. I am interested in the inner processes which take place in overburdened persons. How or how does the affected person find a way out of the problem? Sometimes you go wrong and it seems that breaking out is the only solution to the turmoil of human emotions. This situation can affect us all and this is also the story.

I do not want to blatantly glorify the violence in the film and present it as a solution to problems. On the contrary, I want to show that violence, no matter what the reason it arises and is applied, never goes without consequences and does not offer salvation with happy ending. Therefore, at the end of my story is not a clean hero there, but a character who was overwhelmed by the violence and the greed for wild justice and found no satisfaction.The theme of COYOTE is serious and heavy, but the movie does not kill the audience with it. Thanks to the fantastic worlds and the cartoonesque irony, the movie is perceived as a cool and laid-back entertainment. COYOTE is a beautiful tragedy with macabre picture joke.