A ressurreição de Lázaro não servirá



Brazil  | 2018  |  30 minutes  |  Director: Clodoaldo Lino

In an imprecise future, humanity faces many strange diseases that threaten to bring the entire species to extinction. To avoid this situation, the Queen and her scientists orchestrate an experiment that could completely change the course of events: the resurrection of a man whose body has not yet been attacked by lethal viruses. Soon they encounter Lazarus who meets all the requirements, but it seems that all attempts to defy the biological mechanism are useless. People have to face the inferno of their own existence, dreaming of illusory paradise spaces.


Clodoaldo Lino holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the Institute of Psychology of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1985), Master (1995) and PhD (2002) in Communication and Culture from the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Cinematographic Direction by Darcy Ribeiro Film School of the Brazilian Audiovisual Institute. Currently holds the position of director and publisher at Pazulin Productions and Publisher Ltda., Specialized in the production of audiovisual content and the publication of books in the areas of Humanities and Social Sciences.