Your last day on earth

Spain  | 2018  | 12 minutes  | Director: Marc Martínez Jordán 

A Fox-dressed man breaks the spacetime limits with only one goal: to spend some time with his wife. But bellow this recreational act there’s a far more complex and ambitious plan.


Marc Martínez Jordan is a human being graduated as a director in ESCAC (Barcelona). His final project, a short film called "Timothy", was premiered in Sitges Fantastic Film festival, achieving various selections and awards worldwide. In 2015 he made "Horseface", a very low budget short film starred by himself and his Grandma. Horseface has won more than 60 national and international awards for best short film (“Milano Film Festival”, “Brussels Short Film Festival”, “Sitges Fantastic Film Festival” or “Las Vegas Film Festival”) and has been selected in 200 film festival around the world. In 2018 Marc introduces his first feature horror film, “Framed”, wich has been over 60 international film festivals winning several awards like a special mention in Macabro film festival or the Pippistrelo d'oro for best movie in Fantafestival (Italy). This year presents "Your last day on earth", a time-travel themed film about the consequences of living trapped in the past.